Friday, June 16, 2006


Han is going to laugh at me when she sees this blog. She is going to say, "Man! You are obsessed with 李亚鹏." Well, I guess I am.

I looked up "李亚鹏的BLOG" out of curiosity. Curious what kind of things a famous actor though not a very good one would write in his blog? Is it all about how busy his life is and how glamorous it is, yada yada yada ...? Also curious how is Faye Wong doing? Why in the world would Faye Wong marry him?

Then, I was hooked ...

I really enjoy his writing and all the stories he wrote about his life, especially about his father. The thing I like the most is how sincere he is. He had really put his heart into this. I also like his writing style, straight forward, simple, yet elegant and get the point across. That is very hard to do.

I can see he is a very 不服气的人, yet trying to live good life, do the right things. Just like me.

I better stop, before Han thinks I am getting wierd. But, if you have time, check out his blog. I think you would like him too. And then you will see Faye Wong got good taste.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006


好久没写blog 了, 所以觉得格外向往. 因为不知道如何打出繁体, 故用简体. 希望看惯繁体的读者们, 不会有困难.

最近在看余秋雨的"行者无疆". 买书当日, 先是被书名吸引了, 一派海阔天空无边无际的感觉. 翻一下, 发现写的是他去欧洲旅游的见闻, 更是喜欢. 读过余秋雨的"千年一叹", 是他 1999 年底游览四大古文明时写的游记, 很有意思. 文人毕竟是文人, 书名虽然叫"千年一叹", 他可是一页三叹, 一书千叹. 但撇去唉叹, 学问见识毕竟是有的. 不得不佩服.

"行者无疆" 比起"千年一叹"少了许多唏吁, 但仍然保留了余秋雨的感性. 看来没有买错. 特别是读到 Barcelona 的 La Sagrada Familia 和 Flamingo 时, 不由得心神向往. 而对于文化的异同, 余秋雨的感受, 也是很深刻的.

可越往下读, 越替作者觉得可惜. 余秋雨先生文采见识固然好, 但老是喜欢把自己的心情感受想法全都记录在纸上, 读起来虽丰富多彩, 但却忘了给读者留下想象的空间. 是美中不足. 不知为什么, 我突然想起了三毛的小说来. 不管是写感情也好, 游记也好, 家里的琐碎也好, 三毛总是在细腻中保留许多幻想的空间. 我记得有一篇说她布置沙漠的新家, 读完后, 我不但看到了她的家, 也看到了一座精致的城堡.

有容乃大, 就是这个意思吧.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Ikea commercial

My friend McBiao send me this link for a commercial from Ikea. I find it very interesting


Sunday, December 11, 2005

Benjamin Graham

I was reading an article on Fortune (Mar 21, 05) where Warren Buffet was talking about the best advice he has ever gotten. In case you are curious about the advice, it was from his mentor Benjamin Graham and he told him "You are neither right nor wrong because others agree with you. You're right because your facts and reasoning are right." But the thing that touched me is that he mentioned when he was working with Benjamin Graham, "... we kept pouring through the manuals, looking for cheap stocks. We never went out to visit any company, Ben thought that would be cheating." I mean WOW! Benjamin Graham at the time (1950's) might have a pretty good access to all these corporate managements, but with all his power, had the principal to be different, and to stick with the rules of the game, and claimed that he was going to do it with the data any regular investor could have. That is just too cool.

Just in case you wonder how did Benjamin Graham do as an investor, between 1929 and 1956, a time period spanning the Great Depression and several major wars, Graham's investments grew an average of about 17% per year.

More about Benjamin Graham and his book


I participated in a nativity play at church last night where I played one of the wise men, not wise guys, wise men. As we were waiting to go up stage, suddenly I had this thought, for all the Maria I have seen, in nativity plays or painting or sculptures or movies, she always wears either blue (dark blue, light blue, pastel) or white. I have never seen any other color on her. Why that is? Then I tried to picture Maria in red, yellow, green, and they just don't work on her. How come? Does that has anything to do with that blue sky and white cloud make us feel a sense of clean, and that is the image we want to impose on the mother of Jesus?